A rotator cuff is basically a group of muscles and tendons. The overtime progressive wear and tear of the tendon tissue often causes rotator cuff injury. This condition is a common type of overuse injury caused due to overhead repetitive motions. Rotator cuff injury due to overuse is common among athletes (in overhead sports like baseball, tennis, golf, etc.). Performing exercises and stretches can play a significant role in improving flexibility, strength, and mobility.

Common symptoms of rotator cuff injury include the following:

  • Dull ache
  • Reduced range of motion; difficulty performing tasks like brushing hair or reaching behind your back.
  • Pain at night & rest
  • Weakness in the arm, e.g., while lowering or lifting it
  • Cracking sensation.

Rotator Cuff Exercises:

Following are some of the best exercises or stretches for rotator cuff injury:

– Pendulum Swing:

To perform the stretch, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Find a stable object like a table or a counter for support, place your one hand on it and lean forward.
  • Let the other/affected arm hang freely to the side.
  • Gently start swinging freely hung arm, backward and forward.
  • Repeat the exercise but this time move your arm from side to side
  • Repeat it again while performing the circular motion.
  • Perform this sequence on the other arm as well.

– Cross-arm stretch:

To perform the stretch, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Relax your body, specifically the shoulder, and bring one arm across the chest while holding onto the upper arm (with the other arm).
  • Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and relax for an equal time duration.
  • Repeat the same stretch on the other arm.
  • Perform the stretch about four times on each side.

–  Sleeper stretch:

Follow the below-mentioned steps to perform the stretch:

  • Lie down on a flat surface with the affected arm under you. In order to get comfortable, you can place a pillow under your head.
  • Bring out the elbow straight from the shoulder.
  • Bend your arm from the elbow with fingers pointed towards the roof, i.e., arm in the L shape.
  • Use your other arm to push the affected arm down from the forearm toward the floor.
  • But stop pressing down when you feel the stretch in the arm, the back of your shoulder, or, the upper back.
  • Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds and relax the arm for an equal amount of time.
  • Perform this stretch about three to five times.

Importance of Rotator Cuff Exercises:

Rotator cuff exercises play a significant role in preventing as well as treating injuries. Stretches and exercises for the rotator cuff help improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles.

When to seek medical attention?

In case you feel or experience any of the following symptoms, book your consultation with KKT Orthopedic Spine Center:

  • Swelling
  • Pain & deep aches
  • The problem with raising the arm

KKT offers revolutionary non-surgical Canadian Technology Treatment for various spine-related ailments as well as rotator cuff injuries. For booking an appointment, get in touch with us through our patient-care line.

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